Membership Information
General Membership Benefits
The opportunity to network with other “independents” who understand the challenges of today’s business climate.
Participation in ITODA events, including the Industry Forum, which continue to improve our overall professionalism and practices, at discounted rates.
Access to special webinars offered for member sales staff and management that bring low-cost, time-efficient training right to your business.
Recognition on ITODA’s website as a supporter of independent distributors, with links to your email and website information.
Membership Requirements
Golf Superintendent members must currently be employed as a Golf Superintendent.
Associate and Distributor membership requirements:
Have been in the trade for three years or in business for one year.
Have at least two full‑time employees.
Have the majority of sales and services performed for outside accounts rather than in‑house sales.
Have a minimum annual sales volume of $300,000.
Maintain a direct distributor relationship with at least three major manufacturers (a manufacturer is defined for these purposes as a company holding proprietary rights to a given product(s), and who is committed to the sales and distribution of those products on a national basis).
Agree to be bound by and comply with provisions of the ITODA Code of Business Practice and the bylaws and governing policies of the association.
Associate members are those businesses regularly engaged in the manufacture or production of fertilizers, chemicals, seeds, equipment, accessories, and/or related supplies and services for the professional turf and/or ornamental horticulture market. To qualify for Associate Membership, a company must:
Be currently selling their product or services through ITODA members or through distributors who would meet ITODA requirements for membership.
Have been in business at least three years.
Agree to be bound by and comply with provisions of the ITODA Code of Business Practice, and the bylaws and governing policies of the association.
The Board of Directors reviews all membership applications for approval. All those companies approved for membership are expected to attend at least one ITODA meeting each year.
Membership Dues
Membership dues for associates and distributors are $800 annually.
Membership dues for a golf superintendent is $400 annually.
Code of Business Practice
Membership in ITODA represents an obligation to the Turf Industry and the public to maintain the highest quality of business integrity, industry knowledge, and service. Members should, therefore, strictly conform to the following requirements:
Members will be financially responsible.
Members will adhere to any standards or conditions which may be adopted by ITODA. They will honor any warranties they may make to a customer. They will not assume responsibilities which they cannot realistically fulfill with respect to sales of materials furnished or services rendered.
Members will not sell products on which they have a manufacturer’s contract to other "resellers" outside their normal area of operation, as defined and limited by their approved ITODA membership application. ITODA members may sell to other 1TODA members.
Members will not sell (products as defined; above) to end users outside their normal area of operation, as defined and limited by their approved ITODA membership application without prior notification of their intent to do so to ITODA membership committee and request approval to amend their “normal area of operation.”
Members will not misrepresent their business, their products, or services.
A member will show due consideration for other members and for their ability. He will not attempt to harm another’s business through misrepresentation or any other means which would cause loss of goodwill or reputation.
Members, their employees or employment agencies will not initiate direct contact with employees of another ITODA member with the objective of enticing them to terminate their present employment. A member may advertise in magazines or newspapers and if an employee of another member's firm answers that ad by personal appearance at the member's place of business, this then would be permissible. If a member is found guilty of violating this code of business practice, their membership in ITODA can be terminated by the Board of Directors of ITODA.
Members will cooperate with fellow members to the best of their ability in sound and lawful projects or programs intended to improve the quality of the industry's service in the public interest.
All members will adhere to lawful business practices.
Anti-Trust Notice
ITODA recognizes the care which must be taken at ITODA events. Accordingly ITODA will ensure that meetings are monitored according to a strict protocol so that no violation of the anti-trust laws takes place. ITODA event participants should review the anti-trust guidelines to make sure they understand protocol. The complete ITODA Anti-Trust Compliance Policy is available on request.
Membership Application
To apply for membership, complete the membership application form found here. You will be notified when membership approval is granted, a process that takes approximately two weeks.